iPad Photos app

One of the best things about having an iPad in school is being able to take photos easily and to then be able to share those images with students and colleagues. From conversations I have realised that lots of people haven't had the time to play with their Photos app and don't realise what it can do so I thought I would just mention a few of the features here. 

In the photos app you can you view and delete stills and videos, you can also favourite them (heart), file them into your own albums, and display images in an automatic slideshow with music from your iTunes library. Additionally you can make permanent changes to your images:

  • Cropping
  • Straightening
  • Rotating
  • Removing redeye
  • Adjusting the brightness and colour saturation in an image or convert it to black and white
  • Applying filters
  • Work with tools from other eligible apps
  • Trimming your video

To be honest, I don't often edit my photos but on the odd occasion that I need to I am very grateful for these tools. About the only one I have never used is the filters as I have no requirement for my images to have a retro or other look to them, I am quite happy that they look as authentic as they can.

I thought to myself that someone is bound to have described all of these features somewhere on the web and sure enough I just turned up this comprehensive guide in iMore on a quick search. Despite the adverts on this site the information they give is accurate, with clear descriptions that are easy to follow. It is worth me mentioning here that the tool PhotoStream has been disabled on all school iPads for safety reasons so you won't be able to use any PhotoStream features mentioned on the site whilst using your school iPad, but of course you would on your personally owned devices.

I hope this helps you get more from the images and footage you have taken.