Printer Pro: Free app of the week

Writing about iPad printing in a school that doesn't presently have this facility is asking for bother but I still think it is worth knowing about this app so here goes.

Although using mobile devices minimises the amount of printing we need to do, there are inevitably occasions when we either need or want to print from our iPads. Although currently in school we aren't printing from iPads, lots of us (staff and students) do print at home from our different devices.

If you are one of those who has printed from your iPad at home, you will know that you don't have all the usual printing choices you have on a desktop, for example, if you are printing a photograph from your Photos the default is for it to be printed full size, one image per page and you don't have any options to choose otherwise. Enter the app Printer Pro made by developers Readdle.

I actually bought this for myself last Christmas out of curiosity. I don't use it a lot, but when I do I appreciate that it does something I can't achieve without it, namely some printing controls; not as much as on a desktop, but the options are appreciated.

This app is usually paid but is free this week, which is why I am sticking my neck out and writing about it here.

Printer Pro - print documents, photos, web pages and email attachments by Readdle