Saving web articles and content for later: Pocket

If you want to keep it, put it in your Pocket! Pocket is so easy to use and brilliant that my whole family now use it. With 12 million users worldwide, lots of people like Pocket.

We all find great resources, web pages and articles that we want to keep for the future, or just to read later at our leisure. There are many bookmarking tools which offer different features and Pocket is a user-friendly introduction to this genre which you might find meets all of your needs. We are used to adding favourites to a browser and Pocket does this but allows you to add and view the content anywhere, not just when you are at one computer or on one network.

Pocket  is (1) a web tool and (2) has mobile apps for iOS and Android, and (3) has desktop apps for Mac and extensions for common browsers to make pocketing content simple. Basically just like Evernote, it is available everywhere on all platforms. You can put things in your Pocket from websites, from email or from different social media platforms. You have no excuse not to be able to save things if you have Pocket.

When you are researching a topic you might do your searching on different platforms and at different times. Pocket makes this easy for you and your students.

You need a free account to make it work. 

What makes Pocket great is:

  1. Articles are automatically saved for offline reading.
  2. It is easy to share with friends and family from your Pocket into theirs.
  3. It works really well with multimedia content (which is becoming more and more common, for example on BBC News pages).
  4. It lays out articles to make them really easy on the eye - often more pleasing than the source document.
  5. When you have finished reading you can delete or archive the article.
  6. Your Pocket is searchable.

So much has been written about Pocket there is no need for me to duplicate it here. Take a read of the links below for lots of details. Can I suggest that this might be an app to recommend to our students too.

There is an optional in-app purchase to upgrade you to Pocket Premium giving permanent archival and full text searching - you really don't need this though, the free version is so good.

Pocket website here 

A teacher explains how he uses Pocket

The Digital Teacher website on Pocket